Rachel Kapp, M.Ed., BCET, and Stephanie Pitts, M.Ed., BCET welcome back College Learning Disability Specialist Elizabeth Hamblet to discuss her new book 7 Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities. She discusses the origin story of the book and the disconnect between what college disability services can do for learners and what learners and parents expect. She talks about reading this book when the learner is in 8th grade because of the specific impact it can have on parent and learner decisions on course selection. Elizabeth discusses how parents and learners can get surprised in the college disability process. Elizabeth talks about the critical importance of non-academic skills and how the drive for success in high school can stand in the way of independence necessary for college success.

Connect with Elizabeth Hamblet: www.ldadvisory.com

Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities


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Other episodes mentioned:

Ep 131: Dispelling College Accommodations Myths with Elizabeth Hamblet, LDT-C, M.S. Ed. (Author Series)

Ep 109: Learning About Learning with Dr. Rishi Sriram

Ep 115: Learning About Learning with Dr Rishi Part 2 (Author Series)

Ep 130: The 5 M’s of Talent with Dr. Rishi Sriram (Author Series)