Rachel & Steph are thrilled to welcome the first member of their cohort onto their podcast, Ezra Werb. The three of them met in graduate school when they were becoming educational therapists. Ezra is the author of a new book titled “Teach for Attention”. They chat about the book and how it can be used to support the goals of classroom teachers and parents.






For 25% off, use the code WERB: https://www.freespirit.com/gifted-and-special-education/teach-for-attention-ezra-werb

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Rachel’s Kapp Educational Therapy Group website

Steph’s My Ed Therapist website 

@learnsmarterpodcast, @kappedtherapy, @myedtherapist

Other episodes mentioned:

Ep 63: Slow Processing Speed with Dr. Ellen Braaten (Author Series)

Ep 65: Screen Time with Dr. Joe Dilley (Author Series)