Winter Break is coming! Listen to this episode to hear:

  1. How important it is to relax and WHY
  2. How to practice and hone skills in a way that your child will think is fun
  3. How to get ready to start 2019

Both Kapp Educational Therapy Group (Rachel) and My Ed Therapist (Steph) are hiring!

To be considered to join Rachel’s team, click here.

To be considered to join Steph’s team, click here.

Minimize With Purpose– our friend Caitlin who is the Konmari consultant

Slow Burn Podcast

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Rachel’s Kapp Educational Therapy Group website

Steph’s My Ed Therapist website

@learnsmarterpodcast, @kappedtherapy, @myedtherapist

Other episodes mentioned:

Ep 16 Why does your backpack look like that?

Ep 02 How to Calendar

Ep 03 The Do’s and Don’ts of Studying

Ep 04 Creating a Study Plan

Ep 32 Our favorite Apps and Games of 2018